In our pursuit to give the direct selling industry the smartest, exceptionally professional, and most successful distributors it can ever have, QNET Ivory Coast held its first-ever 4-day QNETPRO and Compensation Plan Training in Trading CI Agency Office.
More than 300 QNET network leaders from all over the West African region flew in for the training so they could learn more about the QNETPRO campaign and about how QNET’s exclusive, life-enhancing products work together with the Compensation Plan, aiming to change lives for the better. These are the core facets of a successful networking marketing journey in QNET.
The QNETPRO training, conducted by Clement Ahiman, Training Executive focused on raising awareness on professional marketing practices, QNET’s Code of Ethics, and the Policies and Procedures. The Compensation Plan training was conducted by QNET Head of Network Success Sinamar Reyes, where the enhancements to the QNET Compensation Plan were shown in full details. We believe that the changes will mean more success for our IRs.
The overall feedback on the Compensation Plan enhancements was very good. The IRs who attended the trainings were very excited about the Sapphire Star rank, the improved RSP structure and the new Rank Advancement Dashboard.”
– QNET Head of Network Success, Sinamar Reyes.
The trainings are yet another step towards QNET’s goal of being at the forefront of the direct selling industry, promoting it as a legitimate profession and a thriving market. QNET strongly believes that integrity matters in success, and the QNETPRO training in Ivory Coast was one of the many ways for QNET to promote this belief.
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