Want to know what kind of entrepreneur you are? You’ve come to the right place. Now that you are finally convinced that you are an entrepreneur at heart from the previous quiz, you can now take our new QNET quiz to find out exactly what kind of entrepreneur you are.
Are you a born leader? Are you a changemaker? Are you a legacy builder? Simply answer these questions and find out exactly what your leadership style is. What are you waiting for? Let’s go!
👇🏼👇🏽👇🏿 Take The What Kind Of Entrepreneur Are You Quiz! 👇🏼👇🏽👇🏿
So, what is your entrepreneurship style? What results did you get? Copy and paste it in the comment section. And don’t forget to share this quiz with your friends! Find out if you’re friends with like-minded entrepreneurs or if you attract a variety of friendships.
You are Ethical. You are Practical. You are a Legacy Builder!
You find motivation in ideas that are bigger than yourself. You want to build something you can leave behind and call your own. You work towards long-term successes that will help your children and community long after you are gone.
You are Tenacious. You Are Determined. You are a Survivor!
You don’t care about rejections or limitations. Your goals are stronger than a ‘no.’ Whatever challenges come your way, you forge your own path, you learn from your mistakes, and you grow, grow, grow. Your success is your own making.
I need to be freedom from for my money
Yes everything is possible
I don’t care I love it always our CHEIF say this
Am at The right place
You are Ethical. You are Practical. You are a Legacy Builder!
You find motivation in ideas that are bigger than yourself. You want to build something you can leave behind and call your own. You work towards long-term successes that will help your children and community long after you are gone.
I love this Quiz
You are Ethical. You are Practical. You are a Legacy Builder!
You find motivation in ideas that are bigger than yourself. You want to build something you can leave behind and call your own. You work towards long-term successes that will help your children and community long after you are gone.
You are Tenacious. You Are Determined. You are a Survivor!
You don’t care about rejections or limitations. Your goals are stronger than a ‘no.’ Whatever challenges come your way, you forge your own path, you learn from your mistakes, and you grow, grow, grow. Your success is your own making.
I love it
You are Independent. You are Flexible. You are a Freedom Seeker!
You take big risks and leaps of faith. You are happy to lay it all on the line in pursuit of bigger things. You refused to sit quietly in your office cubicle. You have a dream and you will stop at nothing to make it a reality.
The quiz made me to know who iam