What is the IR Declaration Form?

This initiative reminds all QNET IRs to always adhere to the Company’s Policies and Procedures and Code of Conduct. Most…

What is Suspension?

An IR may be suspended for violating any terms of the Agreement, P&P, the…

What can lead to a Termination of an IR?

Violation of the terms of the Agreement, P&P, Compensation Plan, and/or any other relevant…

When my tracking center is terminated, will I still have Business volume?

No, all the Business volume will be nullified once the tracking center is terminated.

Is it possible to reactivate a tracking center once it was terminated?

If an IR’s tracking center has been terminated, it is not possible to reactivate…

Can I withdraw money from my Q Account after termination of my tracking center?

Once the tracking centre has been terminated, the Q Account will be no longer…

What are the documents required for resignation?

You may send us a request via the Help Center. Please provide the following…

Will the company refund my registration fee upon resignation?

No, based on the policy and procedures of the company, the registration fee is…