Discover the power of silver with BioSilver 22 Gel. Featuring advanced SilverSol technology®, this alcohol-free gel offers potent antimicrobial protection with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

It’s perfect for sanitising hands, high-touch surfaces, and even soothing breakouts—without drying your skin. Keep your home and yourself germ-free, naturally. Compact and easy to carry, it’s a must-have for everyday cleanliness.

  • Provides a gentle yet effective alternative to alcohol-based sanitisers
  • Offers strong antibacterial action to keep germs at bay
  • Cleanses your skin thoroughly and effectively
  • Non-dehydrating and keeps skin moisturised
  • Delivers long-lasting protection throughout the day
SilverSol Technology® works by resonating at 890-910 terahertz, which is the same frequency used in labs to kill bacteria with ultraviolet lights. This makes it effective in fighting germs.
Silver Oxide
The silver oxide coating has antibacterial properties that help break down and neutralize bacteria, keeping things cleaner and safer.

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